Long-Term Goals of the Province Development

Considering the capabilities, deficiencies and the province development level, its development has been multilateral and will be based on the science& technology production and development in different economical and social activities (agriculture, tourism, industry, and top services) and modem commerce, province share enhancement in national and international interactions. Therefore, the Long-Term Goals of the Province Development are as follows :

1- Promoting the province role and share in realization of the goals and the national development, and achieving a continuous economical development.

2- Promoting the province environmental indices in the direction of realization of a firm development.

3- An optimum compatibility achievement in national and international economical arenas in the field of the province development centers of activities.

4- Changing the province into one of the basic centers of top and modem knowledge and technology production all over the country.

5- Promoting the cultural, scientific and artistic role of the province in national and international interactions.

6- Supporting and equipping tourism industry in an international standard and changing the province as the pole of the tourism in country.

7- Alteration of industrial activities structure, the development of top technological & non-pollutant industries, and completion of industrial chains and clusters, and exploitation of mineral capabilities and mineral processing industries.

8- Developing the issuance of technical, engineering, specialized, treatment, and knowledge-centered services.

9- The firm development, promoting technical level of agriculture, greenhouse and complementary and changing industries, development related to agriculture sector.

10- Providing high quality foods considering the population growth.

11- Providing and transmitting water and basic exploitation of it in economical and social activities regarding irrigated areas, industry and agriculture priorities.

12- Supporting and developing the transportation networks appropriate for development conditions.

13- Creating, developing and promoting connection axes of the province.

14- Spatial settlement of activities and population accommodation in urban complexes of Isfahan , observing environment considerations

15- Upgrading of the religious insight and promoting the preservation of cultural values, identity features and proportionting the fields of spending free time for different society classes.

16- Making the distribution of facilities and economical substructures balanced all over the province.

17- Harmonic development of urban, rural and tribal centers.

18- Providing the fields of public participation specially women and youth in the province development process.

19- supporting interregional role of the province and admitting a central role in the field of security and emergency issues, considering the province geographical centrality all over the country.

20- Consolidation of cultural basis and considering the attitude evolutions in the related policy makings.

21- Training and educating, skilled, knowledgeable, creative, innovative , Entrepreneur , capable, and participative people in producing, social and cultural procedures.

22- Promoting the level of commercial services as the producing and investing activity complements.

23- Internalization of productivity and its enhancement in economical sectors and production factors.

24- Achievement of the Millennium Development Goals in the province (M.D.G)

25- Strengthening the cooperative sector to fulfill the wide activities and running big economical institutes .